Monday, December 6, 2010

Snowy Monday!

We were quite interested in the snowfall amounts this afternoon!

In Math today, we started to review for our Math test. We are reviewing Chapter 2, Lessons 5 through 9. The test will be on Wednesday.

In Science, we are getting quite creative! Using Publisher, we are designing a flyer that showcases a volcano. Through research on the internet and in the library, we are gathering our facts. Mrs. Haddox is quite impressed with our flyers so far!

Social Studies classes continued to learn about ancient Europe. We are focusing specifically on the states of Greece and Rome. We learned how ideas from ancient times, such as the idea of democracy created by Athenians, is still used today.

In Writing, we practiced using apostrophes with singular and plural possessive nouns. We learned three important rules to remember!

We completed a writing prompt in Reading from last week's story "From a Spark." Details were chosen from the text to provide support for how the author created suspense at the beginning of the story. Miss C was very proud of how hard we worked!

Math: Page 104, Numbers 1-16, Letters A-F; Review for your Wednesday Test
Science: Volcano Flyer due at the end of computer lab on Friday. Make sure you use your rubric to check your work!
Language Arts: Writing- grammar worksheet p. 55 parts B and C. Please remember that you do NOT have to rewrite the sentences!
Charlie Bone: Read pages 262-342 and complete role for this Thursday.

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