Friday, December 3, 2010

Rick Smith, Jr!

We had an assembly today for the magazine fundraiser! Rick Smith, Jr. amazed us with his magic tricks and his card throwing! He holds the World Record for throwing cards!

In Math, the students learned how to divide decimals by a decimal. We should jump and slide! We should make the divisor into a whole number before beginning the operation.

In Wellness, we brainstormed about the different changes that can occur in a family. We shared stories on how our families help each other through sickness, job changes, new babies, etc.

In Reading class we were tested on our knowledge from the story "From a Spark." Miss C is confident that our hard work paid off and we did great!

Reading: Read pages 262 to 342 in Midnight for Charlie Bone by Thursday and have your role completed
Math: Worksheet page 26, front and back
Wellness: Read pages 354-358 and complete the four questions on page 358 define the definitions.

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