Thursday, December 2, 2010

Mt. St. Helens

We are creating journal entries describing the eruption of Mt. St. Helens. As reporters, we are using our knowledge about volcanoes and vivid imagery to create a realistic view of the volcanic eruption! Our entries are creative and informational.

In Math class, we are exploring what a remainder means in real-life situations. What happens when our answer to our math problems continue to go on and on? We are learning to round! Within the next couple of classes, we will be reviewing for our test.

We had review stations today in Reading class to prepare for testing on “From a Spark” tomorrow. Miss C created a board game and had students use Spelling City in hopes to prepare us for those tricky spelling words!! Don’t forget to study!

Onto Chapter 2 in Social Studies! We will be learning about how different periods in Europe and Russia’s history have “shaped” their government today. Our focus was ancient Greece and how they invented the idea of a democracy. Miss C was very impressed with how both classes absorbed this information and used it to compare our democracy in the Unites States.

Reading: “From a Spark” tests tomorrow! (spelling, vocabulary, and comprehension, Midnight for Charlie Bone, pages 262-342
Charlie Bone: Read p. 262-343 and complete new role by next Thursday, 12/10.
Math: Start reviewing for test.
Science: Volcano journals due Friday; test on volcanoes next week

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