Thursday, January 13, 2011

What a Character!

Team Enterprise has been enjoying The Westing Game! The story is a great mystery and has varied and interesting characters. As we read, we take notes on these characters and their actions, to help us solve the mystery. In McD's Cafe, we played a character match game with our groups, matching names and clues. It was a challenge to build the chart of physical and personal qualities of various characters based on what we read in the first six chapters, but we enjoyed trying. Mrs. McIlvaine and Mrs. Haddox modeled a discussion before we met in our own groups. Mr. Westing loved to play games! We can't wait to see which character wins his estate.

Our Language Arts groups also met with Mrs. McIlvaine to review each item on the first Benchmark Test. Team Enterprise did well on the test, but by going over each item, we are reviewing good test taking strategies that will help us on future exams.

Writing - Tomorrow, we will type our final paper of Whose Shoes in lab. If you had any adjustments to make on your draft, please do so tonight. We will complete the assignment tomorrow.
Language Arts - Continue your reading of The Westing Game (pages 31-67), and begin working on your new role.
Science - Extra credit is due on Tuesday

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