Friday, November 16, 2012

Mix and Match Spirit Day!

We have spirit, yes we do!  We have spirit, how about you? The slides above give you a glimpse into our crazy world of mix and match today!  Students went out of their way to clash and had great fun!

Some of our students, Hannah, Cameron, and Rachel, attended a special event at Duquesne University called Calc-u-Solve.  Mr. Tatum took the group to compete against other schools of the area.  They were enthusiastic when they returned, and said it was great fun.  Although they didn't place, it was a worthwhile experience.

During Language Arts, the students took their fifty word Unit 1 review test in Spelling.  They also applied new vocabulary learned in the first seven chapters of The Westing Game.  Finally, they were able to enjoy moving further with the novel.  Some worked together because they were in a common spot, and others preferred to work alone.  I'm encouraged by how well they are paying attention to the book.  They seemed to know how each vocabulary word was applied in the story.  The characters have really intrigued them!

Group 310 enjoyed using If it Were My Home to compare the U.S. with various African countries.  The site is so interesting and fun to use.  The students can compare any two countries in the world!  The link is on our blog for the students to explore.  Afterward, pairs of students played a memory game to brush up on information for Tuesday's test.  

Our team meeting was a great time!  The students have written letters of appreciation to specific people who have made a positive impact on their lives, in connection with the story we read called The Richest Man in the World.   Today, they excitedly transferred their great ideas onto beautiful stationery, folded the letters, and addressed the envelope.  They were so enthusiastic about making them neat and delivering them.  I proof read the letters beforehand, and I have to say that they were so full of details and heartfelt examples.  I'm sure the recipients will be touched!

Math - Measurement packet
Reading - Read Ch. 8-12 in The Westing Game and complete your role. The next cafe will take place on Thursday, 11-29-12.  Keep watching the blog for Mystery Theatre #3!
Social Studies - Quiz on Tuesday!
No homework for Mrs. Friday's Language Arts and Math groups.

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