Monday, November 19, 2012

Personal Narratives and Other Things

Last week, each student began brainstorming and organizing for a personal narrative.  They each were to focus on something they're involved in or an event that has had a positive impact on their life.  Over the past week, these stories have taken shape and are quite interesting!  Today, I modeled the process of editing by projecting a student's paper and having the group work through it with me.  We analyzed the paper for fluency; paying close attention to varying the way sentences are started, as well as the length and type.  Spelling, word choice, grammar, and punctuation were also given attention.  Peer editing followed with great success!

During P.S.S.A. prep, Mrs. Doman worked with the class on determining elapsed time.  The students used T charts to record their steps and solve what each problem was asking.  The students did well with each task!

Madagascar was the topic in Social Studies!  The students learned a bit about the people, their clothing, and school on this large island. 

Math - Benchmark test is Wednesday.  Hungry Rabbit sheet and What Should I Choose?
Reading - Read chapters 8-12 in The Westing Game. Complete role for next Thursday.
Writing - Personal Narrative final copy is due on Wednesday.
Social Studies - Vocabulary test tomorrow.
Science - Space Junk packet is due tomorrow.
Mrs. Friday's Group:
NO HOMEWORK for Language Arts or Math

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