Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Feeling Thankful

We will soon be taking a bit of a break for the Thanksgiving holiday, and it seems to have gotten here quickly.  During this short week, we've been wrapping up a few activities, taking benchmark tests in Reading and Math, reviewing in Social Studies, and trying to finish novel assignments since we will return to another great cafe.  The students have stayed focused and continue to work hard, but I know they are looking forward to some time away.

I'm feeling thankful for many things this Thanksgiving, and I wanted to share a few.  First of all, I feel fortunate to teach at Cecil Intermediate School!  I enjoy coming to school each and every day to a place with such strong positive energy.  The teachers are enthusiastic, the whole staff is so friendly, and Mr. Chambers is a great leader who keeps everything running smoothly. Every day is new and different!  I love working with my students and appreciate all the support from the parents.  It's my second year in the building, and I already feel as if I'm at home.  It's a wonderful gift for which I'm grateful!

I'm sure that everyone has many things to do over the Thanksgiving break, and I want to wish everyone the best!  Enjoy the activities and your families!  Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Reading - Read chapters 8-12 and complete your role for next Thursday!  Share your Family Times!
Spelling - Trace +2 assignment is due tomorrow.
Writing - If you haven't submitted your personal narrative, final copy is due tomorrow.

Mrs. Friday's Assignments:  NONE

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