Monday, November 12, 2012

Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3...

Today, Language Arts students took their first P.S.S.A. benchmark exam, applying skills pertaining to the first nine weeks worth of skills.  During the test, the students read a fable and two non-fiction selections to which they applied the skills of determining theme, choosing main idea, analyzing details, and attacking unknown words.  Finally, they responded to a prompt related to the third story.  Although testing can cause some anxiety, I feel confident that everyone was prepared for the benchmark.  The results will count in the grade book, but they will also help in determining weaknesses that need to be addressed. 

In addition to testing, Language Arts students worked on brainstorming for a personal narrative that they'll be writing.  Students will write about a something that occurred in their lives that influenced them for the better.  Many have their ideas narrowed down, and they will begin drafting tomorrow. 

African culture is still being studied in Social Studies.  Students saw cultural pictures of South Africa and compared/contrasted our culture with theirs.  So much has been shared and discussed, and the students have enjoyed learning about foods, art, clothing, music, etc. 

Math - Tongue Twister 17 - Group 308 and Forgetful Fred - Group 310  Study! Your Geometry test is on Thursday.
Reading - Read through chapter 7 in The Westing Game.  Complete your role for Thursday.
Spelling - Study your Unit 1 Review list (50 words).  Your test is on Friday.  You can find this special review list on Spelling City.  Study!
Social Studies - Vocabulary test on 11/20
Wellness - Exercise report cards are due on Friday
Mrs. Friday's Assignments:
Spelling - Spelling Stair Step and two workbook pages
Math - Division worksheet - Group 1 and Dividing by 5 - Group 2

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