Friday, October 12, 2012

What Matters?

In our Olweus team meeting today, we finished The Richest Man in Town by V.J. Smith.  It's a story about Marty, a man who made a positive difference in the world just by being a good listener and treating everyone he met with kindness.  He was a true friend to all, even though his life was not easy.  There were many wet eyes by the end of the story today, but great lessons were learned about friendship.  Next Friday, we will write a recipe for friendship based on what we feel are the qualities of a good friend.

Language Arts tests were given in class today.  Students did a fine job of demonstrating their knowledge of vocabulary, the story elements, and spelling patterns in the assigned words.  Please check out the test packets sent home today if you have a child in this class.

Although a small portion of Social Studies was spent on a quiz of the West African countries, students also worked on their travel brochures; researching information on the Ipads.  Much information was gathered by the pairs of students for this project that is due in the coming week.

 The students enjoyed hearing from several of our Cecil firemen during a program held at the end of the day.  The men shared information that the students have heard each year, but it's so important to be reminded.  They talked about the importance of keeping fresh batteries in fire alarms within our homes, as well as what a fireman looks like, to prevent them from being frightened.  In fact, they watched a fireman dress in his equipment, while each piece's purpose was discussed in detail.  We all need to be reminded about fire safety from time to time.

Reading - Finish your novel and complete your role for next Friday's cafe.

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