Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Learning About Nelson Mandela

In Social Studies, we've been studying the geography of the continent of Africa.  We've learned many interesting things, and will soon learn more about the people and their culture.  As part of our study, the students will be hearing a biography about Nelson Mandela.  To prepare for this story, we watched a brief film called South Africa: A Land Apart.  The film helped us to become more familiar with the land, people, and the governmental changes over the years. 

Apartheid was a word discussed in the film.  The people of Africa were separated by race, much the same as the time of segregation in the United States.  Africans were treated as second class citizens in their native country, similarly to the way Native Americans and African Americans were treated in the U.S.  The biggest difference was that Africans far outnumbered Europeans in Africa.  The Dutch and British were the minority.  The students know from the film that Nelson Mandela was imprisoned and freed after serving a long sentence.  As the biography is shared, they will learn about his childhood, education, and what he did to make a huge change for the better in Africa. 

Our team visited the Book Fair this afternoon!  CISPO did a great job!

 A special thank you to Savannah for her presentation to the class today!  She shared pictures of her Caribbean vacation and items she gathered on her trip.  Everyone enjoyed all that she shared.  In addition, she shared a daily journal with me with reflections of all her interesting experiences.

Math - Practice sheet
Reading - Read chapters 7-8 in our novel, and complete your role.  Quizzes on April's Mud on Friday.
Spelling - Study
Social Studies - Study.  Team 310 will take their test on Thursday.  All students will be tested on West African countries on Friday.
Wellness - Read pages 92-95 and complete the questions for Friday.

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