Monday, October 8, 2012

Columbus Day

Happy Monday and happy Columbus Day!  Although we did not review Christopher Columbus's accomplishments at school today, our sixth graders would have learned a bit about him last year when studying the European explorers and their travels.  Some schools and public offices have been closed today to honor him.  Columbus was not the first to discover America, but he left a huge impact.  Some students may remember hearing positive and negative aspects of the Columbian Exchange.  Columbus was searching for the Indies and did not realize that he'd found a new land when he arrived in the Caribbean Islands.  Due to the records he kept and the impact his visit made, he is remembered on this holiday.

Our class learned a bit about the power of words today in P.S.S.A. prep.  We practiced being  word detectives when faced with unfamiliar words in print.  Some of the tips and clues we used were examining surrounding words for synonyms, antonyms, and context clues.  We also considered multiple meanings and words used in certain subject areas.  The students did a fabulous job with examples containing unfamiliar words, and they were able to explain their line of thinking.  Next week, we will fill a Bingo board with unfamiliar words taken from a list, listen to a sentence filled with any of the above clues, and determine which word to mark.  With each word we unlock and make our own, we are helping our vocabularies to grow.  Our knowledge and words are powerful! 


Math - Practice sheet
Reading - Read chapters 7&8 and complete role
Spelling - Complete p. 12 in Spelling practice book
Social Studies - Group 308, test tomorrow.  Group 310, test on Thursday.  All students, countries of West Africa quiz on Friday.
Wellness - Read pages 92-95 and complete questions for Friday

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