Thursday, October 11, 2012

How Will it End?

We are finishing our novel in the coming week, and I took a moment in cafe to ask each student to share a prediction or what they are hoping to learn as they finish the novel, From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler.  Most students are interested in knowing if the children will end up back at home and how this will happen.  Some want to know more about the statue of the angel and if it is authentic.  Others are interested in the feud between Mrs. Frankweiler and her attorney.  Why is she writing this letter in the first place?  We will know in time for the next cafe, so stay tuned!

Following the novel, we are excited about a project that we will share with our entire school!  We will be creating a wax museum for everyone to visit on Halloween!  The novel will be divided among groups by chapters.  Each group will choose a scene from the chapter to portray in the museum.  They will illustrate the setting on large paper, create props, and dress as characters.  They will create a summary for those visiting the museum to read.  Finally, on the day of the tour, students will freeze in place like wax dummies to show the scene to the visiting students!  Fun!

Reading - Finish novel and complete your assigned role.  Review your story, April's Mud, and spelling words.  Tests are tomorrow!
Social Studies - Review your poke and peek!  Quiz tomorrow.
Wellness - Read 92-95 and complete questions.  

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