Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Nelson Mandela's Childhood

Our class learned about the childhood of Nelson Mandela today!  I began sharing the biography, stopping frequently to check for understanding through discussion. Many students had great questions and shared their thoughts.  The students took notes on items that surprised and interested them, and later wrote a paragraph, along with a sketch for use on our upcoming timeline of his life.  They enjoyed hearing about where he lived, his father and mother, how he was given his birth name and western name, the sad and happy times he experienced, his schooling, and lessons he learned about leadership.  The short clip above mentions some of the information shared in today's reading.  Enjoy!

 In addition to learning about Nelson Mandela, we worked on a project with Miss Albitz related to our study of Africa.  Pairs of students were assigned a country.  They are acting as travel agents, putting together a brochure of the country.  Today, they were given directions about the project, and used Ipads to research together. 


Math - Hardback book p. 45-46, questions 1-27
Reading - Tomorrow is cafe day!  Be ready with your role!
Spelling - Study using Spelling City activities
Writing - If not finished, complete your Nelson Mandela writing
Social Studies - Study for Friday's test
Wellness - Questions need to be completed for Friday (pg. 92-95)

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