Monday, October 15, 2012

What's in a Name?

This morning, we continued our study of Nelson Mandela.  Our class learned more about his teenage years, discovering more about his education, as well as how he and his friend, Justice, ran away to avoid arranged marriages and a more traditional, safer life.  The two men wanted to make a difference.
 In addition, we discussed the meaning of Rolihlahla (Nelson's name given at birth).  The name meant "pulling the branch of a tree" but everyone understood that it really meant "troublemaker."  The students, during a station in Social Studies, found the meanings of their birth names.  They created Wordles of the information they discovered, which are on display in the room.  Many had no idea what their name meant and were excited to learn. 

Several students expressed that they would not have liked their teacher changing their name at school.  Names are usually given some thought by parents.  Children hear their names over and over again, and they take pride in their names.  To have a teacher choose to change it to a name from another culture would have made some students angry.

We took the Daze portion of the DIBELS Testing today.  Individual students will be tested tomorrow to determine fluency levels.

Math - practice sheet (multiplication and division side only)
Reading - Finish novel and complete your role
Writing - Finish today's paragraph summary and sketch of our Nelson Mandela reading
Social Studies - Study.  Map test on Friday.  Chapter 1 Test moved to Monday/ Tuesday for group 310

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