Monday, April 11, 2011

Mrs. Mac Sees Her Shadow!

Today, Team Enterprise had a visitor who was shadowing Mrs. McIlvaine. Sam Barton, a sophomore from Burgettstown High School, is contemplating his career choices, and is thinking about becoming a teacher. He interviewed Mrs. McIlvaine and spent the morning observing what she does. We wish Mr. Barton all the best as he thinks about his future path.

We were quite busy in Language Arts today. Our new novel, Pictures of Hollis Woods, helped us in an organizational lesson for our new writing. We are to visualize and organize for a descriptive writing about a favorite place. Just as Hollis in our story, we can be very vivid with our descriptions if we choose a place with an emotional connection. Many of us have chosen our favorite places and have begun to organize, with an inverted pyramid graphic, a list of our broad impressions. Mrs. Mac is writing with us, and she shared her sloppy copy of her first paragraph. Tonight, we are to look for pictures, postcards, or visit our favorite place to take notes for the first section of our organizer.

In Reading, we reviewed story organization for Pictures of Hollis Woods. We are all wondering why Hollis would leave the family she remembers so fondly. The pictures between chapters are so interesting and leave us with so many unanswered questions.

We are at the end of Unit 3 in Reading, and we'll be taking the Unit 3 Skills test tomorrow. Students should be well prepared for this test since the skills are applied frequently.

Math classes and science classes reviewed for their tests tomorrow. We had a very close game of eraser basketball in 204! Make sure you review your science terms and labs. Our math test will cover ratios and equal ratios.

Language Arts - Read pages 1-49 in Pictures of Hollis Woods. Complete your role for Thursday. Also, finish the Broad Impressions section of your organizer for our new writing.
Social Studies - Travel Journal #3 is due on the 19th.
Math: Page 346; Test tomorrow
Science: Test tomorrow

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