Friday, April 15, 2011

The Element Song!

How is that for a Top 40 Hit? You'll be singing this song all weekend long, we're sure! It's really a catchy tune! Can you find your element in the song?

Science classes today enjoyed researching their elements for their flyer and 3D project. We searched Jefferson Lab for information on our elements. Mrs. Haddox was thrilled with all the information we found. We are working hard!

Some sites to continue with your investigations on your elements are the following:

Math classes discovered how to solve proportions! We used ratio tables and cross multiplication to help us. We are coming to the end of this chapter, so Monday we will start reviewing for a test.

Today in Language Arts, we worked on our writings! We are typing out stories of our Favorite Places, and our typed Diamante poems look beautiful! We can write more using the link on our blog!

Our learning station work was concluded as well! We were busy, busy, busy on this sunny Friday.

Language Arts: Read pages 49 - 125 in Pictures of Hollis Woods. Complete you new role as well. The reading is due the Thursday after Easter Break.
Science: Element project is due May 2nd.
Math: Worksheet R6-6 and P6-6
Social Studies: Travel Journal is due on April 19th.

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