Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Proportions and Protons!

Epic proportion! Math classes today learned how in a proportion, the units must be the same. If the units are the same across the top and the bottom, we can complete cross products. We had fun today trying out this new skill.
Science classes were investigators today. Mrs. Haddox gave us brown paper bags with something inside. We were not allowed to open the bag but had to rely on our other senses and background information to determine what was in the bag. Some of her items had us stumped! Scientists sometimes have to refer to other data rather than what they see to hypothesize what something is. We then started our unit on Atoms and Electrons.
Miss McMillian taught us how to further create our writings on "Our Special Place." We also played Sparkle to review our Spelling words.
This afternoon, we had our learning centers where we reviewed multiplication of fractions and proportions, drew conclusions, and completed our Travel Journals.
Math: R 6-5 and P 6-5
Reading: Role and read up to page 49
Spelling: Trace x2

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