Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Elements and Atoms!

Science classes today started exploring the world of atoms and elements! We are excited to start to learn about the elements and the Periodic Table. Soon we will be using the web to expand upon the information in the text. We also will be creating a model of one of the elements!
Mrs. Haddox was so impressed with our Math test grades! Great job Team Enterprise!!
Math classes took their test on ratios and tomorrow we will begin analyzing proportions. To solve a proportion, we will be introduced to cross products.

Language Arts classes applied skills learned in Unit 3 today! We also continued to work on our Favorite Place writings. Drafts of our broad impression paragraph were completed in class and will be improved at home. Tomorrow, we will work toward the second tier of our inverted pyramid organizer, and describe some of the bigger things we notice in our favorite place.

Science: Read pages E 16-E 23 and complete vocabulary
Language Arts: Read p. 1-49 in Pictures of Hollis Woods and complete your role. Make improvements to your broad impressions paragraph for the Favorite Place writing.
Social Studies: Your travel journal is due on 4/19.

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