Thursday, April 14, 2011

Science classes are learning about the Periodic Table and its elements. Within the next two weeks, we will be creating an element model and flyer showcasing an element that we have chosen. We will then present our findings and project to the class. The class will have time in the computer lab to research the information they need. The project and flyer will be presented to the class on May 2. Please review the information in the packet that your child is bringing home. We are excited to get started!

We worked on our descriptions of our favorite places today! Many of us are close to finishing our drafts. Tonight, we will finish them and edit our work. The writings are really shaping up!

In McD's Cafe, we worked on Diamante Poems about Hollis Woods. The words seemed to come easily to our minds, as we have learned quite a lot about Hollis in the first 49 pages. Drafts of our poems will be typed and decorated in lab tomorrow.

Science: Element Project - start to think about and research your element
Reading: Read pages 49 - 125 in Pictures of Hollis Woods for April 28th. Complete your role. Finish draft of Diamante Poem for tomorrow. Visit the link on our blog.
Writing: Finish draft of Favorite Place writing for tomorrow.
Social Studies: Finish Travel Journal for the 19th.

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