Monday, April 18, 2011

Periodic Table!

Science students continued to learn about the world of elements. Today we discovered how the Periodic Table is divided. Dmitry Mendeleyev, a Russian scientist in 1868, arranged the elements according to atomic mass, and discovered a repetitive pattern to several properties, including density, metal character, and the ability to react to elements. Any repeating pattern is called periodic. His table proved to be very successful!

Math classes review solving proportions with cross products. We are becoming more successful in our procedures. Sometimes the word problems are causing us confusion; but, with more practice, we should be able to recognize how to set up the proportions more easily.

Today in Writing, we worked on developing lead paragraphs for our Favorite Place writings. Many of us have written very interesting leads to hook our audience! The stories are getting better with each new paragraph. Tomorrow, we will wrap-up our drafts with our concluding paragraph!

Group 204 was able to read our story Spring Paint, which is an autobiography written in a very interesting fashion, using myths and symbolism. Our time was limited today, but we will continue to review the story tomorrow.

Sergeant Cross visited our classroom for D.A.R.E. today! He reviewed many of our lessons in preparation for the upcoming D.A.R.E. test. One of the most important things he shared that will help us stay out of trouble is to choose friends who do not get involved with such things. We have learned so much from him, and we look forward to his visits each week.

Writing - Finish draft of paragraphs 1-4. Read pages 49-125 in Pictures of Hollis Woods. Complete your role for next week.
Math - Page 323, 1-14 (boys-even and girls-odd).
Social Studies - Travel Journal #3 due tomorrow.
Science - Element project due May 2nd.

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