Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Pictures of Team USS Enterprise!

Drafts of our newest writings about our favorite places are nearly complete and are great reading! Our writings are titled similar to our current novel Pictures of Hollis Woods. As Hollis moves toward her future, she often reflects on "pictures" of her past. She yearns for a place to belong. As an artistic and creative young lady, she sees these pictures of places and people who have touched her life with great clarity. She has drawn each one! Our special places have been drawn with our words.

In Science today, we continued our discussion of the elements and the Periodic Table. Today we explored the atomic structure of the elements through viewing an informative United Streaming video. We took notes and discussed the different atoms we learned. Math classes reviewed for our proportion test tomorrow. Mrs. Haddox is impressed on how prepared we are. Wellness classes are to search their kitchens for three snacks. Please record the vitamins, iron, calcium, thiamin, and niacin from the nutritional labels. We will be using this information to create a circle or bar graph next week.

Language Arts: We will finish typing drafts for Pictures of (your name)tomorrow. Make sure you've written all five paragraphs! Read pages 49-125 in Pictures of Hollis Woods and complete your role for next Thursday. Study your vocabulary and review the story Spring Paint for tomorrow's quiz. Study spelling words given last week. Quiz tomorrow.
Math: Review for Math test tomorrow on Chapter 6. Complete "Proper Proportions" worksheet
Wellness: Search for three snacks and record the nutritional information on each (due Tuesday for room 202 and Thursday for 204)
Science: Complete Discussion Questions and "Navigating the Periodic Table Questions" (Graded Homework); Element project due May 2nd.

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