Friday, April 8, 2011

The Food Pyramid

Wellness classes today talked about the importance of the My Pyramid in their lives. Many of the students had a good idea about what a good diet should include, but admitted that most days, they do not follow the guidelines. We created our own Pyramids today with examples of food that we would eat. Mrs. Haddox challenged us to try to eat according to those guidelines.

We visited the computer lab today and continued our Travel Journals that are due on April 19Th. We also continued with accumulating our First in Math points!

Food isn't the only health related topic that was discussed today. Sergeant Cross taught us about the prevalence of heroin in our area. Since it is such a problem, he added it to the curriculum for D.A.R.E. This dangerous drug causes addiction with the very first dose. It is definitely something we all want to stay away from.

Math: Start to review math concepts for a test on Section A on Tuesday or Wednesday
Science: Vocabulary notecards; Test Tuesday
Wellness: My Pyramid colored and labeled with rubric. Due Monday.
Language Arts: Read p. 1-49 in Pictures of Hollis Woods and complete your role.
Social Studies: Travel Journal #3 is due on the 19th.

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