Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Just in Time for OUR PIRATES' Opening Day!

We hope you enjoy our Language Arts classes' performances of 'Who's On First?'! We had so much fun working together on this project!

We're wishing the Pirates success in playing their HOME OPENER! So far, they're off to a great start, and we'll be pulling for them all the way!

Our Language Arts groups received our new novel, Pictures of Hollis Woods, and were grouped for McD's Cafe. Mrs. Mac and Mrs. Haddox were our guest readers today. We learned that our new novel is organized in an interesting way. There are chapters and "pictures" or flashbacks alternately. Hollis Woods is the storyteller. Even though we've only read a little of the story, it seems very interesting.

Math classes discussed rate and unit rate and how this comparison can help when you are shopping. Mrs. Haddox was very impressed with how quickly we made our comparisons. Tomorrow we will be creating vocabulary cards to help us review for our science test.

Math: Page 308, 6-16
Science: start reviewing vocabulary.
Language Arts: Study your homophones, vocabulary, and review the story 'The Night of the Pomegranate.' Read Pictures of Hollis Woods through p. 49 for next Thursday. Complete your role.
Social Studies: Travel journal #3 is due April 19th.

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