Friday, March 4, 2011

Kids Blog!

Math classes today were blogging away! They had to create a page illustrating and explaining how to complete a math concept. The students were encouraged to pretend that they were the teacher and were teaching their concept to a student. Students should upload a creative image to show their concept. Mrs. Haddox was so impressed today in the lab! Keep those ideas coming! Mrs. Haddox gave us a detailed sheet outlining what she expected and a rubric to show how she would grade us. Later, our friends will log on and solve our problems.

Mrs. Haddox created a mess today! She showed us how different liquids can be denser than others and create layers. We learned that baby oil is lighter that corn oil, and that water is lighter than corn syrup. We loved how the different layers were formed in the clear bowl!

We concluded our work for this week's reading of Good Night, Maman in Language Arts today. Many good points were brought up in discussion. It's is so important to learn about this time in history. We all need to think and learn from choices that were made in the past. We are truly enjoying this story.

Math: PSSA folder, study for 15 minutes over the weekend and get the folder signed. Complete vocabulary examples up to rectangle; (204) page 643, 2 and 4
Language Arts - Study your spelling words and review Born Worker. Quizzes will be on Tues. Read through page 138 in Good Night, Maman.
Social Studies - Travel Journal assignment for an African country of choice is due on March 14th.

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