Monday, March 7, 2011

Rockin' Robots!

Today, we enjoyed an afternoon assembly, courtesy of our P.F.O.!

Math classes reviewed the concept of Perimeter today. What would the perimeter be for the above rectangle if the width was 7 cm and the length was 14 cm? Bring your answer to school tomorrow. We also reviewed changing percents into fractions and back again. Remember to review your PSSA Math Folders nightly.

Today, Language Arts classes reviewed the story Born Worker. We discussed the elements of plot in relation to this story. We found that the conflict was that Arnie finds jobs, but Jose does all the work. The action rises when Jose becomes more and more unhappy as he cleans a pool for Mr. Clemens and Arnie watches. The climax happens when Mr. Clemens falls. Jose helps, but Arnie runs away. At the resolution, Jose realizes what Arnie is really like, and he knows that they are very different in important ways.

Language Arts - Read through page 138 in Good Night, Maman. Complete your role. Study vocabulary and spelling words for tomorrow's quizzes.
Social Studies - Your travel journal is due March 14th. Visit the links on our blog, and continue to study your study guides.

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