Thursday, March 10, 2011

Safety on the School Bus

Teams throughout the school reviewed procedures for safe bus behavior with one of our excellent district bus drivers. Students boarded the bus and listened to the bus driver talk about bus rules, the location of special tools, how the exit doors and windows work, and how to exit safely in an emergency. We could tell by his lesson that he really cares about each student's well being. Our bus drivers are very special people.

Our vocabulary words, relating to Africa, were applied today in context. We also created a map showing important physical features in our groups. We identified and colored major rivers, mountains, deserts, etc.

Math classes reviewed the Order of Operations in class today. Please Excuse Our Dear Aunt Sally!! We enjoyed taking turns solving the problems. Room 204 also tried their hand at using a ruler to measure in cm and inches.

Please note: Student's math work has been collected in their PSSA folder to review. The assignments will not be included in their Friday Folder.

Reading - Read the remainder of Good Night, Maman.
Social Studies - Your Travel Journal is due on Monday.
Math- Order of Operations Worksheet (graded homework) and Review Problems (graded)
Math Blog is due tomorrow. If we have a two hour delay or cancellation, blog will be due next Friday
Continue to study 15 minutes a night with your PSSA folder.

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