Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Success is in our Grasps!!

We are on the road to success! We took our last Math Benchmark this morning. Mrs. Haddox was pleased with our review yesterday and is confident that we did quite well! After this Benchmark, we will be reviewing our Math concepts to prepare for the PSSA test. Students will receive a packet tomorrow that they are to review each night for 15 minutes. Parents: your son or daughter will be bringing home a PSSA packet to review nightly. The packet includes some definitions and concepts that will be covered on the PSSA test. Please encourage your son or daughter to review the material inside for at least 15 minutes. When they have completed their studies, please sign to indicate that you acknowledge their time spent. Thank you for your cooperation!

This afternoon we created inspirational sayings to encourage the 5th grade when they take their PSSA tests.

In Social Studies, we continued to learn about Africa. We also explored a new website that has been posted in the links section of our blog. At this site, we can compare the United States to other countries in the world. Today, we looked at the featured country of Canada and the African country of Chad. It was very interesting.

Language Arts - Study spelling.
Be prepared for McD's Cafe tomorrow by reading through p.92 and completing your role.
Social Studies - Study your new study guides and visit the links on our blog.

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