Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Member of Our Team!

Our team had a very special visit at McD's Cafe from Mr. Crider, Kate's dad, who shared his interesting experience on the USS Enterprise in 1969. He first helped us to realize the dimensions of the massive ship by relating it to our school grounds and building. We were amazed at the size! Since it's an aircraft carrier, he told us about the pilots, the tests they must go through to prepare to fly the planes, and the ability of the planes to go from 0 mph to 150 mph in a matter of seconds. His experiences on the aircraft carrier and the places he's been were so exciting to hear about. He brought pictures, his helmet, his 12-caret gold sunglasses, and the book Top Gun for us to see. He also encouraged us to work hard in school, learn to think, and be open to doing new things. Finally, he shared our next chapter in Good Night, Maman. Just like the characters in the story, Mr. Crider experienced the difficulty of communicating with people in other countries who speak a different language. He said that people always find a way to understand each other, and he's made many friends on his travels. We thank him for visiting our team USS Enterprise today! He IS a member of our team!

Also, today in Language Arts, we read The Born Worker! We compared and contrasted the two main characters, Jose and Arnie. Although they were related and about the same age, there were significant differences in their character. We enjoyed the story.

Math classes received their PSSA folders today. They are to review the materials inside nightly for 15 minutes. We will be adding materials to the folder throughout this week and next. Remember to have your parents sign the cover sheet! We also reviewed converting numbers to decimals, fractions, and percents. Tomorrow we will continue with this lesson.
Tomorrow, Mrs. Haddox will demonstrate how matter can float on each other in our Science Lab. We will hypothesize and draw conclusions as she conducts the experiment!

Language Arts - Study your spelling! Review your vocabulary by completing practice page 112. Be prepared for your discussion groups tomorrow.
Social Studies - Visit the links on our blog. Your new Travel Journal assignment is due on March 14th.
Math - Page 360, 14-23. Complete examples on your PSSA vocabulary sheets 1 and 2.
Study for 15 minutes and have your parents sign your folder.


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