Tuesday, March 1, 2011

In Like a Lamb!

March came in like a lamb today! It was so beautiful and sunny! Spring feels like it's on the way!

Our Promethean Board came in handy today as we worked through a lesson on action and linking verbs in class. Our slides gave us many tips and tricks for correctly identifying and using the two types of verbs. Some were pretty humorous. A link has been posted on our blog for further practice with verbs.

We continued our study of Africa today, and proved our knowledge of vocabulary relating to the geography of the continent. Soon we will chose a country to visit through research.
Math classes enjoyed a fun review game called PROVE THAT PROBLEM! Students worked in groups of two to complete math problems. The first group to complete the problem correctly received two points. Each student who completed the problem correctly received one point. We also had to prove our answers at the Promethean Board and explain how and why we got our answers. Mrs. H was really impressed! We will find out the winners tomorrow!

Language Arts - Complete grammar page 56 as a graded homework assignment tonight. Study your spelling list. Read through page 92 in Good Night, Maman. Be prepared with your role on Thursday.
Math- Students complete their Prove their Problem packet and "prove" their work.

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