Monday, February 28, 2011

Mutiply and Divide!

In Math today, we reviewed finding the missing angles in quadilaterals and triangles. We also reviewed multipling and dividing decimals! Oh, how we can forget! Remember that you need to put whole numbers over 1 when you multiply and divide. When you divide, you need to multiply the reciprocal of the fraction. Tomorrow Mrs. Haddox promised us a fun review game!! :)

We continued our study of the geography of Africa today. Using a map we labeled major bodies of water, several of the countries we will be taking a closer look at, the Equator, and Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. Take time to explore the links section of our blog to learn more about African landforms and The Sahara Desert.

Mrs. McIlvaine shared the good news that we were very successful on our Benchmark #3 Test. We will be taking a closer look at our answers later this week. One of the skills that we applied on an open-ended response on the test is comparing and contrasting texts. This is our skill for the week with our new story, Born Worker. Today we reviewed the skill and will continue to practice.

Math (204) page 273, 8-15
Language Arts - Share Family Times and complete trace +2 for your new list of plural nouns. Read through page 92 in Good Night, Maman and prepare your role for Thursday.
Social Studies - Review your kidblog and comments, revising if necessary. Study your vocabulary words and your regions map. Quiz tomorrow. We'll move on to part 2 tomorrow.

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