Monday, January 24, 2011

Yoi.....Double Yoi!! Pittsburgh's going to the Super Bowl!

Everyone is so excited about our Pittsburgh Steelers advancing to the Super Bowl! We were also a bit tired since the game took a lot out of us and ended late. It was a wonderful surprise to have a two hour delay due to the frigid weather.

When everyone arrived, we were excited to find out that our new Exploratory schedule would begin today. We were organized into new groups and visited our first stop in the rotation schedule today. The new Exploratory Stations are Wii/Knitting, Gym Games (dodgeball), School Blog, School Spirit/Fast Math, Board Games, and Math Puzzles.

Since our new nine week period has begun, today was Accelerated Reading Reward Day. Those of us who met our goals went to a movie in Mrs. Dombrowski's room. We saw Night in the Museum 2.

Our special project for The Westing Game was due today! Everyone submitted their Wanted posters, and many of the final products look amazing! Due to the delay and our schedules today, Mrs. Mac will display the posters for voting tomorrow. Everyone will receive a grade based on the elements of the rubric, and the top two posters from each Enterprise room, based on votes, will win gift certificates to Barnes and Noble. Look for a slide show of the posters on our blog tomorrow!

Language Arts - Read pages 68-103, stopping at Ch. 18, in The Westing Game. Complete your role for Thursday.

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