Thursday, January 20, 2011

An Expert in Solving Mysteries!

Team Enterprise enjoyed a visit from Detective Wybranowski today! Since he works to solve mysteries in his job, we thought he could help us be more aware of clues as we read The Westing Game. He shared so much with us today! We learned that although some mysteries never get solved, many do!

Clues are gathered in many ways! Sometimes people are interviewed, and detectives pay attention to what people say, as well as their body language or facial expressions. Many clues are gathered at the scene of the crime! Sometimes the person who commits a crime leaves behind fingerprints, shoe prints, or even their own wallet! We thought that this was pretty funny!

Detective Wybranowski shared many stories, but he also shared a short mystery about missing cookies. Mrs. McIlvaine and Mrs. Haddox were caught with clue spray on their fingers, so the crime was solved. We all enjoyed cookies, once they were found, and Detective Wybranowski visited our discussion groups to listen.

Thank you, Detective Wybranowski, for your time and expert insight! We feel safer knowing that you're on the job in North Strabane!

Language Arts - Read The Westing Game! Stop when you get to chapter 18, and complete your role for next Thursday. Your Wanted poster is due on Monday.
Wellness - Fitness poster is due on Monday.


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