Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Slip Sliding Away!

Our world was coated in ice this morning! How beautiful it looked, and yet it was a bit dangerous. The two hour delay was just what we needed to arrive safely.

Our team took our second Reading Benchmark test today. Mrs. McIlvaine was so impressed with our team's efforts during this test. We all worked carefully reading the stories, answering the questions, and highlighting text to support our answers. We also organized, drafted, and edited our writing before making a final copy of our prompt. The time and effort we gave was rewarded. Mrs. Mac gave us an extra five mania minutes! Woooohoooo!!! Now, we have to keep them!

Language Arts - Your Wanted posters are due on Monday. Read pages 31-47 in The Westing Game, and complete your role for Thursday.
Social Studies - I Have a Dream.... due this Thursday
Wellness - Fitness poster due on Thursday.
Math - LCM worksheet due tomorrow.

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