Monday, January 17, 2011

I Have a Dream!

Team Enterprise celebrated Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by learning more about his life and work. We learned that he was a peaceful and powerful minister who led his people through difficult times. He inspired people and told them to remember that love is the key to the problems of the world. Mrs. McIlvaine shared Martin's Big Words, a book written by Doreen Rappaport, and Dr. King's famous speech. We discussed, if Dr. King were alive today, would he feel that his dream has been realized? We also thought about our dreams for the world. What would we like to see changed? If you visit our hallway, you will soon see a display of our dreams for the world.

The Westing Game has so many interesting characters, and we are becoming suspicious of some for the way they are behaving in the story. Our team will be creating Wanted Posters to display who we most suspect is responsible for Mr. Westing's murder. The project is worth 25 points. Two winners will be chosen from each class for their ability to create the most interesting display.

Math classes had a review quiz on Chapter 3 Sections 1-3. Mrs. Haddox was quite impressed with our assessment. Room 204 started to find the Least Common Multiple. We found two methods to find the LCF. Soon we will be applying our skills to fractions.

Language Arts - Wanted Posters are due next Monday! Follow your rubric! Art materials are available here at school, or you may use materials from home. Also, read pages 31-67 in The Westing Game. Prepare your role for Thursday!
Social Studies - We will work on our "I Have a Dream" project in lab. Make sure your draft is ready to go.
Science - Extra credit essay is due tomorrow on hot air balloons

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