Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Wanted....Suspicious Characters!

Our team's Wanted posters turned out beautifully! They are on display and will be judged later today by our team, the 6th grade teachers, and Mr. Abbondanza. Many characters are suspected of murdering Mr. Westing for a variety of reasons. We are looking forward to seeing how this game created by Mr. Westing ends.

In Language Arts today, we practiced recognizing special techniques an author uses to persuade, convince, or influence a reader's beliefs. We've learned that they appeal to us through their use of facts and ideas, and they sometimes use loaded words that appeal to our emotions. To practice, we used a short story about humans and how they affect the environment. The author used words that we identified to help us feel a sense of sympathy towards the environment. We identified powerful words in the document and discussed why they had power and how they made us feel. In our next lesson, we will further practice the skill by taking a closer look at Martin Luther King's speech, and we'll identify phrases he used that evoked emotion in those who heard his words. Our next story is about an oil spill, and this new skill will be applied as we read this story.

In Math today, we discovered the many different ways in finding equivalent fractions. We can find equivalent fractions using multiplication, division, and finding the least common denominator. Remember to multiply or divide the numerator and denominator by the same number. Using the Promethean Board, we found success in trying our hands with the different ways.

Team Enterprise is very excited to start building their balloon cars! Today, we will come home with packets of information explaining what Mrs. Haddox expects when we turn our cars in. The cars are to be completed by February 7th. Please read the information in the blue packets and sign the bottom.

Math: Practice 3-4 worksheet
Science: Balloon Cars due February 7th. Signed parent letter due Thursday.
E 74- 75 Reading Diagrams
Language Arts - Share "Family Times" paper with your family! Complete trace +2 for your new list of spelling words. Read pages 68-103, stopping at Ch. 18, and complete role for McD's on Thursday.

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