Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Balloon Cars!

It is the event Team Enterprise has been looking forward to all year! The creation of the Balloon Cars! You can build your car out of anything. It must be able to travel 7 feet, have at least three wheels (wheels are defined as anything that goes around), it must not leave the ground, and be powered by at least one balloon, no more than two. If you follow the guidelines, you will be qualified to enter the race for the best looking car, the fastest car, and the car that travels the farthest! The cars and the green packet that was sent home is all due on February 7th! Be creative and be inventive!
Math classes today reviewed answering open-ended questions. Remember to construct the t-bar and list your work and your explanation. Remember to make a prompt with the label at the end of your answer. Tomorrow we will be putting all our Math knowledge to the test, taking our second Benchmark!

Station time today enabled us to practice fractions, persuasive devices, work on our reading and roles, and vocabulary.

In the afternoon, we were able to vote for our favorite posters! Winners will be rewarded tomorrow! We also attended an excellent assembly that left us inspired about who we are and what we are capable of. Look for more about this assembly on tomorrow's blog.

Math: R 3-7, P 3-7
Language Arts: Reading and role for McD's has been pushed to Friday, due to tomorrow's Math Benchmark test. Keep reading!!!

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