Friday, January 28, 2011

A Visit from Miss Ellis!

Beginning today, and in the coming weeks, we are happy to welcome Miss Ellis to our classroom. Miss Ellis is a senior at Washington High School and a member of Future Teachers of America. She aspires to be a teacher and is visiting to gain experience and insight into the workings of an intermediate school. She will observe and be involved in our learning activities.

Today, Miss Ellis visited Team Enterprise during McD's Cafe. She took part in Warm Up with Soup, our first menu item of the day. She called out spelling words and we practiced spelling them in teams using our alphabet soup. The winning group won a round of Campbell's Soup in Hand! Our second menu item was a special treat of Chinese cookies from Mr. Hoo's restaurant. Mrs. McIlvaine and Mrs. Haddox were very happy with our great effort in the Wanted poster project, so this was a little reward. As we enjoyed our treat, we listened to Mrs. McIlvaine and Mrs. Haddox discuss the story using their prepared roles, and then we enjoyed our own discussions.

Group discussions were very lively today! Since we are well into the book, many of us are becoming excited about how Mr. Westing's game will end. When Mrs. McIlvaine closed class with a review of roles, we had trouble stopping the discussion. Many hands were in the air, and everyone had something to add. It was great!

Language Arts - Read p. 103 - 140 and stop at Ch. 23. Complete your new role.
Room 204 Tech. - Forms are due on Monday.
Science - Balloon-powered cars are due Feb. 7th.

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