Thursday, January 27, 2011

Thanks, PFO!

Yesterday, our school was invited to an assembly where we met Jim Basketball Jones. He entertained us, made us think about ourselves, and shared his inspiring story. Rather than give a summary of this story, you can hear it for yourself under links on our blog! We truly enjoyed his visit! Thanks to our P.F.O. for bringing this program!

More news to our day continues!

In Language Arts, our team practiced identifying details in a passage that were not supportive of the main idea. We looked at a letter sent to the director of a camp by a student having hopes of a counselor position. The student had some supportive details, but at times got off track. We eliminated sentences to help maintain the focus of the letter. We will continue practice with this important writing skill tomorrow.

We read this week's nonfiction selection called Saving the Sound today. It is from a story called Spill! The Story of the Exxon Valdez by Terry Carr. The story helped us to understand the effects that an oil spill has on the environment. The results are truly devastating. Throughout the selection we looked for the use of loaded words that cause an emotional response in the reader. These words are persuasive devices used by the author.

This afternoon, our team took our second benchmark test in Math. We were anxious to show what we know.

Language Arts - Be prepared with your reading and role for McD's Cafe tomorrow!
Science: Balloon Cars Parent Slip, signed and returned
Math: R 3-7 and P 3-7

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