Friday, November 18, 2011

Busy Friday!

It was a busy week and a busy Friday! Today, we tied up some loose ends; completing writings and working on reading/roles for our next cafe, since we have a shortened week with the coming of Thanksgiving. We also brushed up on our fluency in writing by revising a story about Thanksgiving, with short choppy sentences, into something more enjoyable to read. All in all, we accomplished so much!

The pictures above are from Wednesday's Science class with Miss Fitch, Ms. Scheidler's field student from CAL. Her lesson, Physical and Chemical Changes, was presented to group 308. One of the activities for her lesson involved the students observing a lit candle for physical and chemical changes. The students noted changes in the wick, the wax, etc. These physical and chemical changes were discussed following the experiment.

Reading - Please read chapters 6-10 in Number the Stars and complete your role. Our next cafe will take place the Thursday after Thanksgiving
Social Studies - Study. We will have a short quiz on Wednesday.
Science - Finish crossword and read "What is Matter?" and answer questions on back.

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