Monday, November 14, 2011

Things We May Never Understand

Now that we have finished reading The Telephone Call, we began to think more about the way the story ended, with the words "there were things we would never understand." We were asked to think about what things the characters in the story felt they would never understand. Many of us expressed that we've heard those words before, usually when life changing or tramatic events occur, like those our characters experienced. Today in Language Arts, we searched for those things in the story. We will use a portion of the text to support our answer.

After we began organizing the information from the story that pertained to the prompt, Mrs. Mac took us aside in small groups to hear our chosen journal entries. Many of us are going to town on our journals, but some had some unfinished work. Work that was complete and showed evidence of our effort received a high score.

In Social Studies, we began exploring Latin America using various maps in a group atlas activity. Tomorrow, we will continue the activity and share what we've found.

Our Health class was devoted to the study of hair, skin, and nails. We learned what we must do to keep them healthy.

Reading - Finish your final copy of your prompt. Also, read chapters 2-5 in Number the Stars and complete your role.
Math - Homerun balls worksheet
Social Studies - Finish page one of atlas activity
Science - In the Lab Rules
Wellness - Personal Health Plan due Friday

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