Thursday, November 17, 2011

Readers that Rock!

Newly formed groups were working together in McD's Cafe today! Our historical fiction story, Number the Stars, is one that is keeping us on edge. With every turn, we are worrying about our main characters, who are compassionate, courageous people in a very difficult situation.

We seem to improve our discussions with each cafe. We share our thoughts and listen when others share. The voices are quiet, as if we are really in a public cafe. Special thanks to Devin and Kylah, as well as their parents, for the delicious drinks.

Reading - Read chapters 6-10 in Number the Stars for our next cafe after Thanksgiving break. Complete your assigned role.
Writing - Finish your narrative for tomorrow.
Math - Swimmers' Snack Bar sheet and study for quiz tomorrow.
Wellness - Skin, Hair, Nails sheet due tomorrow.

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