Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Writers at Work!

Could you smell the wood burning today? Our class was hard at work on our personal narratives. We wrote about a new or different event that resulted in a change in our lives. The events that evoke the strongest emotions within us make the best personal narratives. Today's drafts were colorful and varied. There were stories about moving to a new town, saying goodbye to a father, welcoming a new baby into the family, embarrassing moments, and others. Some were so funny, while others brought tears to our eyes. Many of us shared our stories with Mrs. Mac and began typing after editing. Look for them on display! They're great stories!

One sure sign of the holiday season is extra chorus rehearsals! Today was the first large group practice. We will be doubling up each week until the concert.

Reading - The first 5 chapters of Number the Stars will be discussed in cafe tomorrow. Make sure you're prepared with your role!
Math - Practice page (Dollar Day at the Flea Market)
Writing - Personal narrative is due by Friday
Wellness - Personal health plan is due Friday

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