Monday, November 21, 2011

Mr. Barzan Visits Our Classroom

Recently, Mr. Barzan has been seen toting a rather large cigarette around! OH NO! Actually, it is a blow up cigarette with many facts about cigarette use written all over it. He visited today to share information about tobacco use and the consequences of using. Today, he began by asking us what we know about tobacco. We shared and compiled a list of what we felt we knew in groups. After we shared, Mr. Barzan shared some facts too! This is his first visit on this topic. He will be presenting other short lessons in the coming weeks. Thanks, Mr. Barzan!

Today in Social Studies we learned about the main physical features of Latin America. We talked about the rainforests, Amazon River and the Andes Mountains. We also talked about some new vocabulary words, such as isthmus, coral, pampas, tributary, and plateau. Latin America covers a huge area! We are looking forward to learning more.

Our topic in Language Arts today was making judgements! We often make judgements, or form opinions about people, things, and ideas. Today's lesson taught us to look for supporting evidence when authors make judgements. It also taught us that WE should have supporting evidence for OUR judgements.

Reading - Share new 'Family Times' sheet. Read chapter 6-10 in Number the Stars and complete your role.
Spelling - Trace +2 due on Wednesday.
Math - Finish puzzle worksheet
Social Studies - Study. Brief quiz on Wednesday.
Science - page 2 of packet
PSSA p. 37 due for next PSSA class (Lang. Arts)

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