Tuesday, February 15, 2011

We Are All Mixed Up!

Mrs. Haddox reviewed adding and subtracting mixed numbers today! It is important that we understand how to borrow from whole numbers and create fractions. Many of us need to TAKE OUR TIME and SHOW OUR WORK!! Sometimes we work too quickly and think we have the correct answer and do not. :) Mrs. Haddox slowed us down today!

Today, in Reading, we went over our Benchmark #2 Test with a fine tooth comb. Each item was discussed thoroughly after reviewing each short story. We worked together to give reasons for the best answers and talked about the choices we could quickly eliminate. Volunteers read the answers to their prompts to give examples of what it takes to get a 3/3. We are working hard to strengthen our skills!

Each one of us drew a U.S. President's name for a new Kidblog assignment in Social Studies. We are searching for information about our assigned president's background and accomplishments. We will then blog about it and read each others' blogs! The room was buzzing at the end of the day about interesting facts each student was finding about their president.

Math: Graded page 22, 7-22

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