Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Team Enterprise wishes everyone a Happy Valentine's Day! We celebrated our friendships at the very end of the day by exchanging valentines and treats! Everyone deserves a treat now and then. We will enjoy reading our friends' messages.

In other exciting news...Mrs. Mac had her Promethean board installed today! Yay!! She thought it was a great Valentine's Day present! We are looking forward to using it for our lessons!

In Language Arts, we practiced our skill for the week - Drawing Conclusions. To draw a conclusion means to make a decision or form an opinion about what we read. We learned that our conclusions may not always be correct, but they should be sensible. In other words, they should make sense based on the facts and details in the story and our own experience. By applying this skill, we are thinking readers! As the week goes on, we will continue to apply this skill, especially when reading our new story about Elizabeth Blackwell.

Our new spelling list is a bit tricky! We need to review these words nightly! One way is to play the games on Spelling City (see link to the right).

In Writing, we continued to revise and type our business letters. We hope to finish these final drafts tomorrow.

A new Kidblog assignment is coming tomorrow! It will relate to Social Studies and the upcoming observance of President's Day! We will learn a lot about our presidents from blogging and visiting our peers' blogs.

In Math we continued to perfect our ability to work with operations involving fractions.

Language Arts - Share "Family Times" and complete spelling practice "Trace +2".
Math - R and P 4-5 and 4-6
Tech Ed. - Your c-layer is due tomorrow.
Phys. Ed. - If you want to participate in the Jump-a-thon, please bring in your pledge form envelope.

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