Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Divide and Conquer!

Math classes today learned to multiply and divide fractions. We learned that it is a lot easier to multiply fractions than it is to add them. When you divide fractions use the reciprocal of the second number and multiply!

We also reviewed some geometric ideas of point, line, ray, and line segments. We used the Promethean Board to illustrate our definitions. Review pages 472 and 473 in your book for more help.

In Reading, we learned about some new words that we would be seeing in Elizabeth Blackwell: Medical Pioneer. We even learned the meanings of a couple French words! Our new story is a play, and we read the story today. Tomorrow, we'll try to act it out!

We worked a bit on our U.S. President Blog assignments today. The site was a little slow today, but many of us were able to accomplish a lot. Everyone seems a bit excited about little facts that are surprising about our presidents.

In Learning Center stations this afternoon, we worked on PSSA Reading vocabulary with the game of BINGO, exercises for angles and measurement on, leveled reading practice for drawing conclusions, and teacher-directed activities for converting fractions to decimals and percentages.

Math: R 5-2 and P 5-2, R 5-6 and P 5-6, and R 9-1.
Reading: Practice book page 102 for review of new vocabulary words.
Social Studies: Continue Kidblog assignment

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