Thursday, February 17, 2011

Learning from Mr. Ottenheimer

For the past two years, Mr. Fritz Ottenheimer has visited our McD's Cafe to share his story of living in Nazi Germany. He spoke about living in Germany when Adolf Hitler came into power, and how things began to change for the Jewish people. Last year, when Mr. Ottenheimer visited, we filmed him. His story is so important, and we didn't know how much longer he'd be able to visit and share his experience. Today, as a kick-off to our new story, Good Night, Maman, we watched a bit of his story. Mrs. Mac also read the first few short chapters of Good Night, Maman. Mr. Ottenheimer helped us to understand why our story's characters would have been fearful and hiding in an attic. We are anxious to begin this new novel and learn more about this historical time period.

In Reading, we were dramatic actors reading our story, Elizabeth Blackwell: Medical Pioneer! Both classes did an excellent job, reading as the characters and projecting our voices. Everyone seemed to enjoy acting.

A review of complete, simple and compound predicates was the topic in Grammar today. We practiced identifying sentence parts and completing sentences that were incomplete.

Math classes reviewed multiplying and dividing fractions on the Promethean Board. Mrs. Haddox was impressed with all of our hard work. Room 204 started to identify the four different kinds of angles and their degrees. Tomorrow and next week, we will be covering different aspects of Geometry!

Grammar - Page 51 in Grammar Practice book.
Social Studies - Continue your kidblog assignment relating to your assigned U.S. President.
Math: Correct problems missed on worksheet and turn in for a homework grade.
204 only: Plane Figures and Angles worksheets

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