Thursday, January 6, 2011

McD's Cafe is Back!

So long, Charlie! Team Enterprise presented their final thoughts on Charlie Bone.
They shared which character and endowment they most admired from Charlie Bone. Each student shared how they would use the power if they had it. Later, we moved into new cafe groups, and anxiously received the new book we will be reading, The Westing Game! Mrs. McIlvaine shared the first chapter and encouraged us to keep a running list of the many characters from this mystery. We cannot wait to devour this book!

Room 202 only had Math today. We started Chapter 3 with Factors, Multiples, and Divisibility. Mrs. Haddox gave us a Trick Sheet to help us remember how to remember what numbers are divisible by other numbers. We will be having a quiz on Divisibility next week.

In Wellness, we finished our Family Chapter and turned in our posters. Students shared advice to help a family in a move. We also discussed ways in which our family can be strong.

Science Vocabulary Quiz Tomorrow: Room 204
Math: Worksheet 3-1 front and back: Room 202
Wellness: Page 360, 3-20 and #23 Essay, Graded Homework: Room 202
Language Arts: Spelling Test Tomorrow
Read The Westing Game, Pages 1-31

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