Monday, January 3, 2011

Jumping into a New Year!

Team Enterprise came ready to begin the New Year today! We were excited to share stories about our break, and we jumped into our new lessons.

In Language Arts, we learned about the ways an author uses imagery and sensory details to help readers create mental images. Mrs. Mac shared stories of one of her favorite authors, Stephen King. Mr. King uses vivid sensory details in his writing. To practice the skill, Mrs. Mac read a short story filled with imagery while we sketched our mental images. We later identified the specific words and phrases that produced those images. Throughout the week, we will work on this skill in our reading and writing.

Alexander the Great is the topic of our new Kid Blog! We visited the lab today to complete research on Alexander the Great.

In Science, we were very anxious to present our Energy Teaching Presentations. We did a wonderful job of explaining our section and giving examples comparing and contrasting the different types of energy. Mrs. Haddox was extremely impressed with our Power Point Slide Presentations and the images we used in our explanations.
Tomorrow, in 202, we will continue.

Language Arts - Share Family Times and complete trace plus two assignment for spelling.
Social Studies - Continue working on your Kid Blog assignment which is due after lab time on Friday.
Science- 204- Finish the quiz from Section E 60-61 Presentation

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