Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Can You Picture This?

Our class continued to practice the skill of visualizing today. We applied the skill to our list of vocabulary words. We worked in pairs to define, as well as create and list symbols and related words for each new vocabulary term. Our images will help us when we begin reading about the sea turtle in the story.

Commas were the topic in Grammar/Writing today. We reviewed commas used in a series, as well as commas applied in direct address. Commas create a meaningful pause that help to make the sentence clear. We will be practice using commas correctly throughout the week.

Group 204 visited Mrs. Shuman in the Library today. It's always fun to pick out new books. Our team is working toward meeting our AR goals for the nine week period. Everyone would like to participate in the AR reward at the end of the month. We are encouraging each other to always have an AR with us so that we can reach our goals!

Math classes reviewed the PSSA rubric that will be used for their responses. We learned how to set up a T-Bar to show and explain our work. These practice prompts will greatly help us prepare for the PSSA test in March. Room 204 received a prompt to complete at home. Remember that when you explain your work, tell why...not how!

Science classes finished their presentations on energy. What a wonderful job we all did! Mrs. Haddox cannot believe all the information and even animation that was included in our Power Point! We will review the information from the chapter and have our test on Thursday. Students should review the quizzes that the groups passed out.

Language Arts - Vocabulary practice on p. 82 in practice book. Grammar p. 42.
Social Studies - Continue working on Alexander the Great Kid Blog project. It is due this Friday.
Math - Open-ended PSSA prompt (204)
Science - worksheet (202 only; Test Thursday on Energy

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